Types of Interventions: What to Do When a Loved One Needs Help?

Substance abuse is far more problematic than most people think it is. It gets to the point where the person with addiction needs help because the substance abuse is already life-threatening, which is why more people should know about intervention methods. In most cases, without any intervention from people who care, the person with an addiction could succumb to the severe complications of substance abuse.

It’s crucial to get your loved one the help they need, as there might not be another chance. Know more about the types of interventions at Discovery Institute in Marlboro, New Jersey.

Why is Intervention Important?

Many people in recovery from substance abuse admit that if not for the drug intervention program that brought them to medical detox and rehab, they might very well not be around to talk about their experience anymore. Intervention is mostly the only hope of survival for many people who are already too far gone in their substance abuse. This is mainly because many substances often leave the user in a nearly catatonic state, or too weak to contact or reach out for help. In other cases, the substance user’s cognitive functions have degraded to the point that they are unable to seek help.

A substance abuse disorder is a complex condition that many have difficulty coming to terms with. Even those already deeply immersed in addiction know at some point that what they are doing is wrong and comes with severe consequences, but for the most part, they are unable to do so.

The complex nature of substance abuse, along with the risks and adverse health effects of continued substance use, makes medical and psychological assistance necessary for the user to quit using substances and get them to a medical detox facility. In most cases, it is this assistance that gets them the medical attention they need in time.

An intervention may also be the only way to help an addicted person who tends to hide and vanish for long periods. This is a common trait for substance users who feel that family and friends are only being disingenuous in trying to get them to stop. Substance abusers tend to become immensely paranoid and suspicious of people claiming to want to help them, which is why they prefer to hide away from everyone.

Types of Interventions

what is an InterventionThere are different ways of conducting an intervention intended to save a loved one who has a substance abuse disorder. As people could react differently to efforts to help them, there is a need to have different approaches to intervention as it is often important to get it right the first time, as there might not be another chance to conduct one.

types of interventionsPeople with a substance abuse disorder tend to be quite secretive, isolated, and more than willing to escape any effort to get them to a medical detox facility. As such, they most likely trust only a few people in their lives. In many instances, they might only trust one or two people, and in this case, the simple intervention type would work best.

The simple approach usually involves another person apart from the therapist being present during the actual intervention. This is expected to keep the chaos and confusion to a minimum, as having too many people present at one time with all of them having something to say or do might only make things worse.

The classic intervention is the traditional approach, where there is a group of people coming together to confront a person regarding their issue. This usually involves close friends, loved ones, or even family members.

This type of intervention needs coordination and proper communication since the intervening group could be made up of people who barely know each other or do not relate well with others. The need for a plan is important in this case just to ensure that the entire venture is effective, carried out well, and is not chaotic.

An approach that involves family members as participants is often expected to create an intimate and understanding atmosphere during the intervention, although this is not always the case. This is because many people relate better with people outside of the family, since many families are dysfunctional, or have members who are much worse than the person who has a substance abuse disorder.

The addiction family counseling approach should be mostly about love, support, and unconditional understanding of the person needing the intervention. There is also a great need to carefully consider which family members are participating in this endeavor as there are some members of the family who might just make things worse.

As the name might suggest, a crisis intervention approach is the type used when the luxury of time is not an option. There are instances where the situation is already at a crucial stage and the person is already in a life-threatening scenario, and immediate action is needed.

This approach needs to be done in a fast and tactical manner. It is not uncommon that this approach includes the use of force because things have already escalated to a critical point, making immediate and deliberate action necessary. This approach can be managed through our intensive outpatient program in new jersey.

What Is Needed to Stage An Intervention?

different intervention methodsJust like any crucial undertaking, the most important things for intervention are proper planning, close coordination, and excellent execution. Even with the most enthusiastic of participants, types of interventions can and will fail if these elements are not observed. An intervention is an immensely delicate endeavor, where emotions could run high, wrong words could be said, and where even the smallest of errors could lead to failure.

It is important to note that failure is not a very viable option in an intervention. This is because a botched intervention could aggravate the mental state of the person who needs it, leading them to become even more paranoid, suspicious, and eager to escape.

This is why certain rules and guidelines need to be strictly observed during the actual event, as each action needs to lead to the desired results. Everyone participating needs to understand that there is very little room for error, or the failed intervention could only push the person needing it deeper into a problematic situation.

There is a need to plan everything properly, and to be as close to perfection as possible. Those who engage in a brief planning session and hope that everything turns out right are bound to meet with failure. Everyone should participate to ensure that all the bases are covered, that contingencies are in place, and that everyone knows everything they need to do well ahead of the intervention target date.

The plan needs to take everything into account, such as participants, dates, location, and the facility where the individual therapy for addiction treatment is expected to be done. For those who find all of the requirements a bit overwhelming, some professionals could be called on to plan, guide, and help in conducting the intervention.

For types of interventions to be effective, the person needing them must understand why it is happening. This cannot happen if the person is not sober or too high to even realize what is happening. There is a need to time the event when the person is as close to being sober as possible. This will help them in understanding why it is happening, and why the participants are doing it, or it will all feel like entrapment and betrayal.

Proper timing also includes the sequence of events that is expected to happen once the intervention is underway. Once the event has been concluded, the person needing the intervention needs to be brought to a medical detox facility immediately. This is because if the emotional and psychological impact of the intervention wears off, the person just might lose the will to push through with drug rehabilitation.

Imagine having to conduct a critical operation and not being able to effectively coordinate the goings-on because there is no communication among the participants. A scenario like this is sure to lead to failure. This is the same with an intervention. Participants need to understand that an intervention is a clandestine operation, because the person needing it could feel like the entire event is a trap, and as such, they will react to it accordingly.

People who are paranoid are quick to pick up on even the slightest physical cues of people around them. This is why all participants in the intervention need to know what is expected of them well ahead of the intervention. This will allow everyone to know what they need to say, when they need to say it, with the least need for coaching at the actual event.

Proper coordination and execution must also be observed during the intervention because if everyone spoke at the same time the only result will be chaos, which could rattle the person needing the intervention. All participants need to know when to speak and what to say so for maximum effect.

An intervention is an event that is always charged with emotion. People in the grip of intense emotion can’t be expected to perform at their best form. Emotionally charged participants might even say something potentially harmful to the intervention. This is why participants need to prepare themselves mentally and emotionally for what might be said and done during the event.

There is no way to predict what might happen during the intervention, with all participants only hoping for the best outcome. This is why it would be best for the participants to keep an open mind and remember that the intervention is not about them, and is for the person needing it.

Learn More About How to Conduct Types of Interventions With Discovery Institute

types of intervention approach

The best intentions may not always serve the best purposes if not properly executed. This is particularly true for something as critical as an intervention. We here at the Discovery Institute have had quite a bit of experience in this matter, as we have helped people who need this action to be done. We consider all the nuances, potentials, and contingencies involved because there might not be another opportunity for it. Talk to us now and let us see how we can help you best.